

Are you having trouble reading, driving or enjoying your favourite activities because of cataracts? You are not alone. Cataracts affect millions throughout the world. At SVISION.HOSPITAL, we understand the impact cataracts can have on your life, and we're here to help!

Signs that you have cataract

  • Double vision

  • Foggy or hazy vision

  • Colours appear to be faded

  • Compromised vision at night

  • Halo surrounding the lights

Ways to get your cataract treated

From conventional surgery to state-of-the-art laser surgery, SVISION.HOSPITAL offers the best possible treatment to give you clear vision!

Conventional Cataract Surgery

    Involves a relatively larger incision in the eye and removing the cloudy lens directly; stitches may be required.

    Recovery time takes a month after which patients can resume normal activities.

Micro-incision / Laser Cataract Surgery (Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery)

    Minimally invasive procedure that uses smaller incisions and Phaco (ultrasonic energy) to remove the cataract.

    This has a shorter recovery time compared to conventional surgery, and patients are often able to return to their normal activities within a few days. 

Lens options after cataract surgery

Monofocal Lens

This is a standard lens that will improve your distance vision, but you will still need glasses for close-up and possibly intermediate vision.

Astigmatism-Correcting/Toric Lens

If you have astigmatism, this lens can correct it along with cataracts, but you will still need glasses for reading.

Multifocal/Trifocal Lens

This lens can improve your vision for near, far, and intermediate distances, reducing the need for glasses.

Extended Depth of Focus Lenses

These lenses correct distance and intermediate vision and are different from Trifocal lenses. The clarity and quality of vision with these lenses is excellent and reading glasses may be required only for very small print.